AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 6/19/2003 12:53:00 AM ----- BODY: Blah. Bad Tina. Of course, 40-50 hour weeks at Blockbuster are not condusive to doing ANYTHING at home. Neither is a complete system wipe of Lady, and the w.bloggar software now not working with Blogger until things get straightned out. What's a girl to do? Guess I'll knit. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 4/10/2003 05:37:00 PM ----- BODY: Okay, I think I'm officially addicted to knitting. I haven't played ANY computer games in weeks. I'm too busy knitting. So what have I made? Well, I've finished a insanely pink cardigan for my niece, Alyssa, which just needs new buttons (I somehow miscalculated the buttonhole size, but it's my first cardigan, so I'm not going to beat myself up). I also made a pair of Fuzzyfeet from Knitty, which are SO cool, even if I was extremely worried about running out of yarn on the second slipper. I'm still working on my Shapely Tank, as it's going slowly. Something about the combination of cotton yarn and smaller needles, but it's coming out well. I think. :) Some nasty virus is going around, and I just got rid of a migraine that I had for five DAYS. Not fun. Goody’s Headache Powder is my friend, even if it's the nastiest tasting stuff on earth. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 3/22/2003 05:49:00 PM ----- BODY: Realize I haven't updated things in awhile. Things are now better. The new working theory is that I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is not fun, but knowing lets me eat a little more appropriately, which seems to help. Getting used to work again. Finally finished up my training books (have been too busy actually WORKING to finish them), so I now have my lapel pin. Whee. :) Been doing quite a bit of knitting. Got the new cable set for my Denise Interchangable Needles, and it's like having a new toy. So much nicer. In fact, think I'm going to go work on my latest project, a Shapely Tank Top from White LIes Designs. Using some black Cotton Fleece that I got on eBay. Nice yarn! -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 3/07/2003 08:10:00 PM ----- BODY: Or not... So I had the surgery Monday, and now we're back at square one. Well, maybe somewhere worse than square one. I don't have endo, and the doctor doesn't know what I *do* have, as he didn't find a thing. Even opened up my fallopian tubes, and nothing's wrong. It *might* be something in my small intestine. Maybe. Possibly. It's the only thing he can think of. Don't even ask me how they check that. So here I am, in pain and not feeling well, and more depressed than ever. Even my knitting isn't helping, as nothing seems to be working out properly. I think I'm going to go do something mindless with two sticks and some string to see if maybe that will work. :( -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 2/26/2003 04:05:00 PM ----- BODY: Bah. At least I *think* I know why I've been in intermittent pain for TWO YEARS. I spent an eternity last Wednesday night/Thursday morning in the local ER, and after giving me yet another pelvic CT scan, they recommended I have my ob/gyn do a diagnostic laparoscopy to see what was wrong with me, but it's probably something like endometriosis. I make an appointment with the ob/gyn, and they put me down to see one of the nurse practitioners. Now, the NPs are great, but I know that they're just going to tell me I have to see the surgeon, and then the surgeon will tell me that I'll have to wait for an appointment for the laparoscopy, and so on and so forth and just be in INCREDIBLE pain in the meantime. However, much to my surprise, as I'm talking to the NP while she's getting my blood pressure, etc, she tells me, "You should really see Dr. Rosen. I'll just change the schedule and put you in his room." Wow. Wait with Mike a few minutes in the exam robe, as I brought him to help me remember since the painkillers the hospital gave me make me rather loopy, and said doctor shows up. He pokes around a bit and then tells me that he thinks it's endometriosis, but they have to do the laparoscopy to make sure, but he probably has a cancellation Friday. Friday. In the meantime, they need to do some bloodwork while he checks. Well, the hospital didn't have anything Friday, but I have an appointment for Monday. The nurse managed to draw blood without bruising me (which is, frankly, amazing, as Potomac ER managed to bruise me attempting to put an IV in my arm and failing), and Mike and I are both dizzy at the speed and competence of the whole procedure. After spending time in Potomac Hospital's ER, speed and competence are both marvelous things. Happily, work understands that I'm not able to function right now. If I'm not taking painkillers, I can't stand up straight. I I am taking painkillers, I can't do things like simple math. Knitting and watching TV is about the extent of my abilities, and the simpler the better. For example, I made Mike a scarf last night out of the leftovers from the afghan I finally finished after buying the yarn years ago for a crocheted afghan. :) Pretty amazed that I managed to do a scarf in more or less one sitting, but we were watching the second half of the extended Fellowship of the Ring DVD (way cool), and then Animal Planet, and I didn't feel like moving. I was also amazed that he liked it so much, but he wore it around the house last night after I finished it, and I think he wore it today, since it's snowing. Today I tried making myself a scarf out of some thick chenille yarn, but it keeps slipping off the needles and irritating me, so I put it away. I really want to try making some socks, but I don't have any double-pointed needles. :( -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 2/15/2003 12:25:00 AM ----- BODY: Ack. 10 days without an update. I'm bad, but I've been horribly exhausted. That, and Mike's been taking over my computer. :P As I type, he walks out and comments, "Oh, your blogger" like I'm taking away his favorite toy. Oh, wait, I am. Work has been exhausting, so I haven't had much energy to do ANYTHING. That should be getting better as I get used to actually working. We'll see. Happy Valentines' Day -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 2/04/2003 11:07:00 AM ----- BODY: Oh, geez. Now I know why the server's been having issues, and why we've been hearing an odd noise from one of the fans. Mike checked the CPU temperature after it managed to blue screen twice, and it was at horrible temperatures. (I don't remember what, but it wasn't good). We opened it up, and the CPU fan had MELTED off the heatsink. So we went out to replace the heatsink/fan combo, and all is better now. But how scary! And now wondering if there's heat damage to the CPU. If so, we'll have to wait a bit to replace it, as we have no extra cash right now. Anyway, time to have lunch and get ready for work. Whee. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/31/2003 11:29:00 PM ----- BODY: Ha-HA! Got archives to work! Now just need to redo the template. Feh. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/31/2003 03:23:00 AM ----- BODY: Bah, I'm trying to get the archives to work, but it's somehow beyond me. Even changing templates didn't work, so now I'll have to change it back when I get a chance. Got my early birthday present today - SimCity 4. It's graphically amazing, but I need to actually sit down and glance at the manual. It's quite different from SimCity 3000, but not necessarily in a bad way. I just need to figure it out. :) -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/29/2003 09:19:00 PM ----- BODY: Can someone explain to me how a man can paint part of a tiny gaming miniature and in the process turn most of the dishes AND the bathroom sink blue? I sure can't. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/29/2003 04:53:00 PM ----- BODY: It's official. I AM Randall from Clerks. Well, maybe not entirely, but I'm starting to feel that way. While Mike laughed through the section of clerks where Dante and Randall share the stupid questions they get, I just banged my head on the desk. I think it might have been my bad day at work yesterday where everyone seemed to have an issue, but I can't be sure. In the meantime, I have two days off before I work Friday and Saturday nights. Whee. I spent most of today asleep, still trying to beat the cold I've had forever. Going to pick up a new book, which finally got in by special order at Borders today. Yay. Waiting for Yu-Gi-Oh! to be over before we leave, as Mike's watching it. I'm half paying attention, I've seen the episode before. Whee. Can't wait for SoulCalibur 2 to come out. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/26/2003 11:53:00 PM ----- BODY: Okay, I normally don't like the SuperBowl, and this one was worst than most. I remembered to take some knitting, but for some reason I kept screwing up and having to start over. Bah. At least it wasn't an important project, just something to keep me busy. Still trying to find a hat pattern that I like. I have the yarn, some deep green Homespun that will match the scarf I just finished. Hat will have to wait, because it apparently will require needles that I don't have. Namely, circular and double-pointed ones. I can wait, as it seems like the weather has turned decent again. Of course it would just after I finish a scarf. :) Think I'm going to finish the laundry and then go to bed with a heating pad for my back and a good book. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/25/2003 07:44:00 PM ----- BODY: Sorry for the lack of updates. Work has me so very, very tired. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/23/2003 12:20:00 AM ----- BODY: Bah, Blogger wouldn't let me update yesterday. Tired still, not used to standing for six hours at a time. I'm sure I'll get used to it. Anyway, going to go teach Age to make soap. :) -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/21/2003 12:11:00 AM ----- BODY: So very tired, but good tired. Cleaned house, then went out to dinner with Jerry and Erin and Age. Much fun. Age is spending the week, YAY! Finally gave her her wedding present. Only almost two years late. :P Must go to bed, I start work tomorrow. Goodnight, all. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/19/2003 10:43:00 PM ----- BODY: So, at the grocery store, Mike remembers he needs new shoelaces. We look where we *think* they might be. No dice. Finally we ask a friendly Safeway employee, who knows they have them, but not where. She joins the hunt. FInally, we find someone who does know. Duh, of course shoelaces are in with the frozen foods. WTF? -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/19/2003 09:41:00 PM ----- BODY: Too much football and housework makes Tinas grumpy. But housework for happy reasons. Lots of friends visiting tomorrow, which is good. Just wish I didn't have one of those migraines where your vision starts to go funny. :( Need to go out now and get dryer sheets and toilet bowl cleaner. Feh. Wish I could just go to bed. Maybe in a little while. -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/19/2003 03:46:00 PM ----- BODY: Well, you guys have been bugging me to update my editorial for some time now. However, opening up FrontPage every night is somewhat of a pain, and what if I'm not home? So, since everyone else in the known world is jumping on the blog train, here I am. I know the page doesn't (yet) match the rest of the website. Going to work on that when I'm not quite so tired. :P -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/19/2003 03:42:00 PM ----- BODY: Or not...trying settings again... -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/19/2003 03:40:00 PM ----- BODY: Well, it seems to work. Huzzah! -------- AUTHOR: Tina DATE: 1/19/2003 03:31:00 PM ----- BODY: Testing Blogger --------